Go on and Ignore That Ex Text: Here’s How to Do It Right!


Reasons to Ignore Your Ex’s Texts

If you have recently gone through a breakup, it can be tempting to reach out to your ex via text message, if they do the same. However, there are multiple reasons why it is important to ignore your ex’s texts when dating.

Ignoring your ex’s texts will help give yourself enough time and space to heal after the breakup. Having contact with an ex too soon can disrupt the process of recovery and could cause you more emotional distress in the long run.

Staying in contact with your ex can also prevent you from moving on and meeting someone new that is better suited for you.

Benefits of Ignoring Your Ex’s Texts

Ignoring your ex’s texts can be a difficult thing to do, but it can also have some positive benefits. By not responding to texts from your ex, you are sending a clear message that you have moved on and have no intention of rekindling the relationship.

It may feel like a mean or coldhearted move, but it is ultimately one of the best ways to help yourself heal and move forward.

By not engaging with your ex in any way, you are allowing yourself time and space to focus on other aspects of your life.

Potential Drawbacks of Ignoring Your Ex’s Texts

Ignoring your ex’s texts can be tempting in the aftermath of a breakup, but it can also have some potentially negative consequences. When you ignore their messages, you are sending a clear message that you no longer wish to engage with them.

This could lead to resentment or bitterness on their end and may even prevent any hope of reconciliation in the future. Ignoring your ex’s texts could cause them to feel confused and uncertain about your feelings for them, which can make coming out of the relationship more difficult for both parties.

Alternatives to Ignoring Your Ex’s Text

When you are no longer interested in dating your ex, it can be difficult to ignore their text messages. However, there are other options that you can consider before ignoring them completely.

Be honest with yourself and your ex about why the relationship ended and how you feel. If they understand your situation, they may be more understanding of your decision not to respond to their texts. It’s important to remember that being honest does not necessarily mean being unkind – be respectful while also standing up for yourself and what is best for both of you.

Chat Avenue

Chat Avenue is a popular dating app that allows users to communicate with their matches and exchange text message conversations. While it may be tempting to ignore your ex’s text messages, this isn’t always the best course of action. There are a few factors that should be taken into consideration before deciding whether or not to respond to your ex’s texts.

Consider the context of the conversation. If your ex is sending you messages about getting back together or trying to convince you that they still have feelings for you, then it would probably be timing your interactions best to ignore them and move on with your life.


The dating app Chatzy can be a tricky platform to navigate when it comes to should I ignore my ex text. On one hand, many people may feel like ignoring an ex is the best course of action in order to move on from a past relationship. However, it can be difficult in the digital age where communication is so easy and accessible.

With Chatzy, you have direct access to your ex which can make it tempting to respond. That being said, there are some key points that should be considered before deciding whether or not you should ignore your ex’s text via the Chatzy app.


SimpleFlirts is a great resource for anyone looking to ignore their ex’s texts and start fresh. The site offers an array of tools to help you move on, from searching for new dates to creating a profile that reflects who you are now. There is even an option to delete your old account so that your ex won’t be able to find you.

The site also provides support and advice in the form of articles, webinars, and discussion groups. All in all, SimpleFlirts is a good way for those looking to forget their past relationships and start anew.


When it comes to deciding whether or not to ignore your ex’s text, the answer largely depends on how long you two were together and the nature of the click here for info breakup. If you just broke up recently and your ex is trying to contact you, then it may be best to ignore their texts in order to give yourself some time and space to heal. On the other hand, if you two had a good relationship prior to breaking up and have remained friends since then, then ignoring them may not be necessary or even beneficial.

Are there any signs that suggest I should ignore my ex’s text?

When it comes to dating, sometimes it can be hard to know what to do. If your ex is sending you text messages, it can be a tricky situation. While there could be good reasons why they are reaching out, there may also be signs that suggest you should ignore their text.

If the messages seem aggressive or hostile in any way, then it’s probably best to stay away from them.

What are some ways to politely let my ex know I’m not interested in rekindling our relationship?

It can be difficult to know how to handle a situation like this, but it’s important to remember that you have the right to set boundaries and make decisions that are best for you. It’s perfectly reasonable for you to politely let your ex know that you’re not interested in rekindling your relationship. The most respectful way would be to directly express your thoughts and feelings in an honest and straightforward manner.